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Friday, September 21, 2012


Hello everyone,

     I am sure that many of you are more aware of what is going on in the Middle East right now than I am. But because of the Anti- American protests going on in the Middle East and Northern Africa Semester at Sea has decided to cancel our port of call to Casablanca, Morocco because of some recent riots happening in the city. I am sad that I will not be able to visit this country as it was one of the many ports I was looking forward to going to. But it is more important that we stay safe. Below I have attached the new itinerary for these countries.....

    It makes me so mad that people think it is OK to put people down like this. Thank you for freedom of speech but darn... this action and actions similar to this is just plain sad.

Cadiz, Spain
Port of Cadiz Bay
Pza. de España, 17
Berth: TBA
Arrive September 23 08:00
Depart September 28 20:00
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands
Puertos de Tenerife
Av Francisco La Roche, 49
Berth: TBA
Arrive September 30 08:00
Depart October 1 20:00
Here is a new map also....

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